first step we need understand whenever program start we should import opencv to python libary so that we use
import cv2import numpy for numerical operations
import numpy as np
In here we need to three process for import and show image
first lets we know how to import image
cv2.IMREAD_COLOR- read color image
cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE-read in grayscale
cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED-read in alpha channel OR normal colors
only changing formation is
i had tested in my sure this will work for you
- import image(cv2.imread)
- show image(cv2.imshow)
- save image(cv2.imwrite)
first lets we know how to import image
#import numerical operationimport methods
import numpy as np
#import opencv
import cv2
#read image from loction where we have.then assign name as jaga.
jaga = cv2.imread('/home/jagadish/Downloads/Baby_Face.JPG',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
#now we need to disply imaage in normal size or auto size otherwise that will display larger
cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
#show image(jaga) in window(image)as we can assign window name
#wait key used for stop opertion when we press zero
#to close all windows
cv2.IMREAD_COLOR- read color image
cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE-read in grayscale
cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED-read in alpha channel OR normal colors
only changing formation is
jaga = cv2.imread('/home/jagadish/Downloads/Baby_Face.JPG',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
jaga = cv2.imread('/home/jagadish/Downloads/Baby_Face.JPG',cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
jaga = cv2.imread('/home/jagadish/Downloads/Baby_Face.JPG',cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
i had tested in my sure this will work for you
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